Our history started in 1873, and is closely tied to the Carrara family and to Tuscany. Since the beginning, we have expanded and evolved with great care for the quality of the raw materials we use and for the protection of the territory.
Our history started in 1873, and is closely tied to the Carrara family and to Tuscany. Since the beginning, we have expanded and evolved with great care for the quality of the raw materials we use and for the protection of the territory.
A family business with a centuries-old tradition.
We are one of the most important companies in Italy and in Europe for the integrated manufacture of tissue paper. Owned by the Carrara family since 1873, we have a long history in the high-quality paper manufacturing industry – which allows our products to go from Italy to no less than 50 countries around the world.
Caring for what’s next – Let’s build a better future to live together
This is the essence of our vision: to generate a positive impact on people and the environment in the present, always looking to the future.
Since 1873, with dedication and competence, we have been carrying on and continuously innovating an ancient profession. We offer high-quality tissue products, embracing the latest technological solutions while respecting the environment and the community around us.
of products and services.
From production planning to after-sales assistance, we take care of every step according to the highest standards.
in processes and technologies. We constantly invest to enhance the way we manufacture our products, increasingly orienting ourselves towards sustainability.
to people and the environment.
We put the safety of our staff first, and take care of our territory and environment by choosing sustainable and certified raw materials, thanks to increasingly sustainable production processes.
our history and our future.
Passion and competence are part of the legacy of our long history, which today represents a strong foundation for our vision of the present and commitment to the future.
In the area of Badia Pozzeveri, not far from our production hub in Capannori, we set up a series of continuous cycle plantations where trees and shrubs with different growth and cutting patterns coexist. They are constantly replanted after cutting, or grow back autonomously from shoots, thus guaranteeing constant natural coverage over time. From the eco-environmental standpoint, polycycle plantations requalify a flat area that used to have only residual agricultural value, improving the local habitat, regulating the absorption of rainwater, and conserving carbon stock in the soil.
Natural polycyclic plantations are usually composed of an alternation of:
This varied composition ensures that the different species are cut at different times, allowing any intervention to have a modest impact on the landscape and on the habitats created. Furthermore, the limited agricultural practices required by this management approach allow for preservation of the carbon stock in the soil, and avoid further aggravating global warming due to the massive repetition of tree cutting and replanting.
This type of planning and management of the woods – which includes the permanence of at least 30-40% of the trees after each cutting cycle – allows us to pair different productive species (namely those providing firewood, structural or construction timber, and wood for the production of cellulose) with the logic of permanent topsoil coverage and biodiversity protection.
The wood management method created by polycyclic plantations entails multiple benefits: productive, visual, bio-ecological benefits in terms of habitats for animal species (protecting local biodiversity), regulation of rainwater, and conservation of carbon stock in soil. All thanks to the limited cutting practices (and the permanence of a large part of the woods), which however supply local production chains, including those dedicated to poplar wood and to cellulose production for paper manufacturing.
The Cartiere Carrara Group celebrates 150 years of history.
The initiative was born in collaboration with Rete Clima, and consists of a 1-kilometre linear forestation project along the southern section of the A11 motorway between the exits of Lucca Est and Capannori, which runs along the company’s plants.
Trees and shrubs were planted on land that used to be bare, and a typical Tuscan forest was reconstituted to replace an existing, neo-formed woodland that had been of limited value for the forest and wider ecosystem. The area was repopulated with autochthonous species of trees and shrubs, reviving a forest type historically present in the Tuscan area but now significantly reduced due to agricultural activities and industrial sites that have developed on the land over time. This type of “linear plantation” is an innovative strategy for the area, intended to have a protective function and to mitigate local environmental impacts. Kilometroverde® Lucca will take on a triple function over time: physical and visual separation barrier between land and motorway; woodland (a true and proper green lung) able to capture the particulate pollutants produced by vehicular traffic (the well-known PM); and concrete tool for a strategy to develop natural continuity with existing sections of woods.
The positive impact of this intervention is not limited to the local territory: like all new forestation initiatives, Kilometroverde® – Lucca will allow us to increase the total absorption of CO2 and contribute to mitigating the effects of global warming.
Kilometroverde® – Lucca will be certified according to the PEFC standard for Sustainable Forest Management. .