At Cartiere Carrara we consider social sustainability a crucial element, starting with safety in the workplace, enhancing human capital and our relations with the territory and all stakeholders.


At Cartiere Carrara we consider social sustainability a crucial element, starting with safety in the workplace, enhancing human capital and our relations with the territory and all stakeholders.



Workplace safety is an absolute priority for us, and we work to build a culture that promotes the importance of correct attitudes and behaviours to avoid risks and dangers in work environments during any activity, with or without machinery. We constantly invest in safer and more efficient systems, respecting people’s wellbeing and safety.
We guarantee compliance with all legal requirements, paying close attention to information, education, and training procedures and programmes for the prevention of accidents. We are ISO 45001 certified for all our factories.
We believe it is our responsibility to extend the dissemination and adoption of health and safety, environmental and worker protection principles not only to the Group’s employees but also to stakeholders along the entire supply chain.


Together with the Carrara family, our company has always been committed to supporting charitable activities for social and cultural solidarity.

The Paper Museum of Pescia is in Pietrabuona, approximately 3 km from Pescia. The main purpose of the museum is to preserve and pass on the ancient craft of handmade papermaking and to educate visitors about the importance and evolution of paper production,
an activity that has been present in the Pescia area since the end of the 15th century.

Cartiere Carrara is one of the main sponsors of the Paper Museum and a partner in creating value in promoting this craft.

Cartiere Carrara has chosen to support FAI – the National Trust for Italy – by joining the organisation’s Corporate Golden Donor membership programme.

Alongside FAI, our aspiration is to create a major protection project that also rises to an ambitious cultural challenge: to make Italy a more beautiful place to live, work and raise our children in, because our landscape and cultural heritage, which FAI seeks to safeguard and promote, is unique to Italy and a fundamental resource to invest in with a view to helping our wonderful country to grow, develop and flourish. Thanks to the support of its numerous members, both private and corporate, FAI has for over 40 years now been safeguarding and managing a total of 61 assets all over Italy: important historical, artistic and landscape sites that have been saved from neglect, restored, protected and opened to the public.

Every day, FAI endeavours to protect and guarantee wide access to splendid examples of art, nature and culture spread all over the countryside, cities and coasts of Italy, educating visitors and raising public awareness of the importance of learning about, respecting and taking care of art and nature, as well as taking on board and representing the requests from the community, monitoring and actively intervening locally.

Along with FAI, our aim is to protect Italy and make it more beautiful than ever.

The Meyer Children’s Hospital Foundation was established to provide support to the Meyer Children’s Hospital in Florence, a benchmark for paediatric medicine in Italy in terms of research, innovative treatment methods and patient care. The Meyer Children’s Hospital is an outstanding healthcare facility, and the Foundation provides support through actions with high added value that further boost its technical and scientific reputation and make it even more widely admired and loved by the general public.

Cartiere Carrara has decided to make a special Christmas donation to allow the Meyer Children’s Hospital in Florence to further improve its prevention and treatment efforts.

The Fiorenzo Fratini ONLUS Foundation was established by Corrado and Marcello Fratini in memory of their father Fiorenzo, who died 2001.

Since 2002, through a variety of events and activities, the Foundation has been raising funds for a number of important associations and voluntary organisations operating in Italy and internationally.

Cartiere Carrara is a Platinum supporter.

Set up in 2004 by the entrepreneur from Pistoia Paolo Carrara and his family, the “Un Raggio di Luce” non-profit foundation supports the weakest members of society, in particular women and children, operating in Italy and abroad to carry out activities and projects to provide education and basic health care, combat malnutrition and illiteracy, build decent, safe housing, guarantee access to water and protect rights.

Cartiere Carrara supports the activities of the “Un Raggio di Luce” non-profit foundation.

The Maria Assunta in Cielo Onlus (MAiC Onlus) Foundation is a non-profit foundation established in Pistoia in 1989 by a group of volunteers that had been working since the late 1960s
with Catholic-inspired associations and to help people with disabilities.

The Foundation’s on-going commitment involves:

  • operating locally to support people with more complex disabilities and their families, throughout their lives, from birth to old age;
  • organising new projects for the rehabilitation and integration of people with disabilities, moved by a spirit of subsidiarity and solidarity and taking on board the results of research and innovation;
  • accompanying and supporting people with disabilities and their families.

The Carrara Family has made a large donation towards the renovation and extension of the rehabilitation centre in Pistoia.

Cartiere Carrara supports the Canine Group of the Croce Bianca in Spotorno, where employees from the Ferrania headquarters also volunteer.

The group specializes in using dogs to search for missing persons on the surface and under rubble, operating throughout Italy as needed. We have decided to support this important public service activity by purchasing some handheld devices and radio collars to aid in these types of operations.


We are partners and supporters of the Master’s Degree course in Technology and Production of Paper and Cardboard at the University of Pisa: a specific course that aims to create highly specialised professional figures, equipped with interdisciplinary training on the processes, systems, and products that are typical of the paper industry.

We collaborate with the “A. Benedetti” Technical and Technological Institute in Porcari, to shape the programme for the chemistry course specialisation in paper and to define the contents and topics students need to tackle from the third year onward. The objective is to leverage a hybrid training path at school and in professional settings to equip participants with a complete preparation, useful both to enter the workforce with better awareness or to further their education at university.

We are among the companies that collaborate with the “PaperPro23” Higher technical course for paper manufacturing management and control, offered by ITS Prime.

Polycyclic Plantations

In the area of Badia Pozzeveri, not far from our production hub in Capannori, we set up a series of continuous cycle plantations where trees and shrubs with different growth and cutting patterns coexist. They are constantly replanted after cutting, or grow back autonomously from shoots, thus guaranteeing constant natural coverage over time. From the eco-environmental standpoint, polycycle plantations requalify a flat area that used to have only residual agricultural value, improving the local habitat, regulating the absorption of rainwater, and conserving carbon stock in the soil.  

Natural polycyclic plantations are usually composed of an alternation of: 

  • Medium–long-cycle plants, cut at 15–40-year intervals from planting (hazelnut, cherry, oak, maple, ash, linden) for wood used as structural timber or for manufactured products.
  • Short-cycle plants, cut at 8–14-year intervals from planting (in particular poplar) for the production of paper or packaging.
  • Very short-cycle plants, cut at 6–7-year intervals from planting (e.g. plane) and used as firewood.
  • Shrubs that are not cut, and contribute to maintaining soil coverage.


This varied composition ensures that the different species are cut at different times, allowing any intervention to have a modest impact on the landscape and on the habitats created. Furthermore, the limited agricultural practices required by this management approach allow for preservation of the carbon stock in the soil, and avoid further aggravating global warming due to the massive repetition of tree cutting and replanting.

This type of planning and management of the woods – which includes the permanence of at least 30-40% of the trees after each cutting cycle – allows us to pair different productive species (namely those providing firewood, structural or construction timber, and wood for the production of cellulose) with the logic of permanent topsoil coverage and biodiversity protection.

The wood management method created by polycyclic plantations entails multiple benefits: productive, visual, bio-ecological benefits in terms of habitats for animal species (protecting local biodiversity), regulation of rainwater, and conservation of carbon stock in soil. All thanks to the limited cutting practices (and the permanence of a large part of the woods), which however supply local production chains, including those dedicated to poplar wood and to cellulose production for paper manufacturing.

Kilometroverde® - Lucca.

The Cartiere Carrara Group celebrates 150 years of history.

Kilometroverde® - Lucca.

The initiative was born in collaboration with Rete Clima, and consists of a 1-kilometre linear forestation project along the southern section of the A11 motorway between the exits of Lucca Est and Capannori, which runs along the company’s plants.
Trees and shrubs were planted on land that used to be bare, and a typical Tuscan forest was reconstituted to replace an existing, neo-formed woodland that had been of limited value for the forest and wider ecosystem. The area was repopulated with autochthonous species of trees and shrubs, reviving a forest type historically present in the Tuscan area but now significantly reduced due to agricultural activities and industrial sites that have developed on the land over time. This type of “linear plantation” is an innovative strategy for the area, intended to have a protective function and to mitigate local environmental impacts. Kilometroverde® Lucca will take on a triple function over time: physical and visual separation barrier between land and motorway; woodland (a true and proper green lung) able to capture the particulate pollutants produced by vehicular traffic (the well-known PM); and concrete tool for a strategy to develop natural continuity with existing sections of woods.
The positive impact of this intervention is not limited to the local territory: like all new forestation initiatives, Kilometroverde® – Lucca will allow us to increase the total absorption of CO2 and contribute to mitigating the effects of global warming.

Kilometroverde® – Lucca will be certified according to the PEFC standard for Sustainable Forest Management. .

The Cartiere Carrara Group celebrates 150 years of history.

With the acquisition of the Caldaroni Group, the Cartiere Carrara Group is born, paving the way for new growth and future goals.

The Carrara family’s activities are brought back together under the aegis of Cartiere Carrara S.p.A., thus unifying their resources and consolidating their position in the industry.

Mario Carrara’s branch of the family decides to resume the activities previously excluded from the 2002 transfer, starting from Cartiera Carma, of which it had always maintained exclusive ownership. With fresh new impetus, the family re-enters the professional and consumer tissue market.

The turn of the millennium brings new opportunities. Cartoinvest is sold to the multinational SCA.

Cartoinvest becomes the exclusive licensee of the Kleenex brand for Europe, thus confirming its leadership in the European tissue market.

The Cartoinvest Group is founded, and takes control of no less than twelve companies in Italy and in Europe, further strengthening their presence and influence in the industry.

The historical plant in Pietrabuona starts its first continuous machine for tissue paper, introducing remarkable technological innovations in the manufacturing process.

The Carrara family makes its debut in the paper manufacturing business, opening a paper mill in Pietrabuona to make straw paper.