A safe working environment is our number one priority, and we are committed to promoting a culture of positive safety within our organization to enhance health and safety practices.
We are proud to have received the “Zero Objective” safety award for the calendar year 2023, promoted by the Giuseppe Lazzareschi Foundation. This award encourages companies and employees to play a key role in promoting continuous improvement to reduce workplace injuries.
The recognition was awarded to three of our production sites:
- Pratovecchio Converting: achieved the significant milestone of reaching ZERO ACCIDENTS.
- Cartiera Tassignano: received the award for the GREATEST REDUCTION IN THE FREQUENCY RATE of injuries.
- Carraia Converting: awarded for the GREATEST REDUCTION IN THE FREQUENCY RATE and for the LOWEST SEVERITY RATE.
For the first time, the company also participated and won an additional award, “More for Zero,” recognizing special activities aimed at raising awareness or increasing safety levels within our facility.
In particular, we were recognized for implementing a computer system for reporting unsafe conditions and behaviors, incidents, and injuries.